
The Kubernetes community has started Kubernetes Gateway API, standardizing how north-south traffic is handled in Kubernetes clusters. The three primary goals of this standardization are:

  • Generalization of configuration to avoid vendor-locking,

  • Expressiveness for core traffic functionality (header-based routing, traffic weighting, etc.)

  • Role-oriented design to improve self-service of API creation.

The idea is that in emerging startups or enterprises, DevOps or the platform team would own the creation of a Gateway to listen to external traffic, and developers would create Routes (like APIs) to map the traffic from the Gateway to their backend services in Kubernetes.

Key benefits of IMESH API Gateway

  1. Fast, secure, and scalable traffic

  2. Rise in developer’s productivity with low-code API management solution

  3. Implementation of multi-tenancy with RBAC of API management

  4. Faster troubleshooting of production issues with real-time traffic insights.

  5. Less hassle with integrations with built-in integration with Kubernetes-native platforms such as Prometheus, Grafana, Argo CD, and Istio service mesh

  6. High flexibility to rip-and-replace ingress controllers as per convenience, as IMESH provides support for Istio and Envoy Gateway controllers.

Last updated